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1. januar tiltræder professor Thomas Vosegaard som ny leder af Institut for Kemi. Han kommer med et stort kendskab til både forskningen og uddannelsen…
Using front-line home-built dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) instrument, researchers from iNANO and Department of Chemistry have for the first time…
Congratulations to Professor Troels Skrydstrup from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Chinese Government’s Friendship Award.
Med godt 60 millioner kroner fra Danmarks Grundforskningsfond åbner professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk et nyt grundforskningscenter, som skal finde nye…
Congratulations to Professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Rozenberg Tulip Award.
Troels Skrydstrup and his team at Aarhus University have been awarded Plastprisen for the second consecutive year. This prestigious award recognizes…
The Nordic Society for Aerosol Research (NOSA)
The aim of the 10th Brainnovation day on ““Renewable Materials and Recycling” is to significantly increase dialogue and collaboration between the…
Time-resolved insights into nanoparticle formation through the eyes of X-rays
Zymogens for the Protein Cysteinome ‒ Synthesis of proenzymes for on-demand activation of catalysis
Understanding Laundry Formulations for Sustainable Washing: Interactions and Synergies between Surfactants and Enzymes
The 21st Nordic Workshop on Scattering from Soft Matter is hosted by Professor Jan Skov Pedersen, iNANO & Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University.
Turning Proteins into Assays: Affinity-Guided Bioconjugation in the Assembly of Continuous Sensors
Peptide-conjugates and additives for intracellular protein delivery
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