Aarhus Universitets segl

Internal pages

Find a number of useful tools here. E.g. acknowledgement statements, logos for C3 and DNRF, and a power point template with the appropriate logos. 

Acknowledgement statements

All publications, which acknowledge the Center for Chemistry of Clouds must include the following sentence: 

"This work was funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF172) through the Center of Excellence for Chemistry of Clouds."

C3 Seminar Series

The C3 seminars are a biweekly event where local and external speakers give talks on topics related to the Center for Chemistry of Clouds. If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to our center manager

When chairing a seminar please ask the speakers beforehand about the following questions: 

  • Name and title
  • Current affiliation (external - university or research institution, internal - group within C3)
  • Education and afilliations
  • Area of research 
  • Highlights of career or what the speaker is recognised for (if external)
  • The speaker is most proud of
  • Awards and distinctions (if relevant)
  • Fun fact

C3 logos

Primary Logos

Transparent Background

Secondary Logos

Colored background

Social media

When creating content on Twitter and LinkedIn about your research or events happening within C3, please remember to tag Center for Chemistry of Clouds.