Aarhus Universitets segl


The Center for Chemistry of Clouds (C3) is located at the Department of Chemistry, at Aarhus University and consists of five principal investigators.

Merete Bilde

The center is lead by Professor Merete Bilde who has a passion for atmospheric science and is an expert within atmospheric and physical chemistry, aerosols, and cloud microphysics. Find more about Merete's research here.

Marianne Glasius

Associate Professor Marianne Glasius leads a research group focusing on advanced chemical analysis and atmospheric chemistry. She will contribute to C3 with her expertise in molecular characterization of aerosols. Explore more of Marianne's research here.

Tobias Weidner

Associate Professor Tobias Weidner is a leading expert on studying molecular interactions with surfaces and interfaces using advanced spectroscopy and ultrafast molecular reactions and motion. He will be crucial in obtaining information about molecular level interactions and reactions at aerosol interfaces. Discover more of Tobias' work here.

Ove Christiansen

Professor Ove Christiansen is a world recognized researcher within theoretical and computational methods development and applications. His work focus on novel theories for electronic structure, nuclear quantum dynamics, computational spectroscopy, potential energy surfaces, condensed phase modelling, machine learning, and tensor decomposition. Look more into Ove's work here.

Jonas Elm

Assistant Professor Jonas Elm models atmospheric processes using state-of-the-art quantum chemical methods and he is a world-leading expert in atmospheric cluster formation. He will provide critical knowledge on how molecules attach to aerosol surfaces and insight in molecular-level description of the chemistry of cloud formation. Dive into more of Jonas' research here.

Fabian Mahrt

Assistant Professor Fabian Mahrt assumed his position at Department of Chemistry and in the Center for Chemistry of Cloud on March 15, 2024. Fabian is an expert in aerosols and cloud microphysics. Find more on Fabian's research here