Aarhus University Seal

Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer

Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) stands at the forefront of analytical techniques, offering unparalleled sensitivity and real-time measurement capabilities in the field of trace gas analysis. This cutting-edge technology enables the direct and rapid quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with unmatched precision, making it an indispensable tool in atmospheric chemistry. The principle behind PTR-MS lies in the rapid transfer of a proton from a reagent ion to target molecules, leading to the formation of protonated analyte ions. The resulting mass spectrum provides a comprehensive snapshot of the sample's chemical composition, allowing researchers to identify and quantify a wide range of compounds in complex matrices. In our laboratory, we also have the CHemical Analysis of aeRosol ON-line (CHARON) inlet for the PTR-MS enabling analysis of the particle phase using the PTR-MS. PTR-CHARON-MS enables analysis of atmospheric constituenst across the entire volatility range of compounds detected in the atmosphere. 

Relevant publications


Yuan, B., A. R. Koss, C. Warneke, M. Coggon, K. Sekimoto, and J. A. de Gouw (2017), Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry: Applications in Atmospheric Sciences, Chem. Rev., 117, 21, 13187–13229


Eichler, P., M. Müller, B. D'Anna, and A. Wisthaler (2015), A novel inlet system for online chemical analysis of semi-volatile submicron particulate matter, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 1353–1360

Müller, M., P. Eichler, B. D'Anna, W. Tan, and A. Wisthaler (2017), Direct Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Particulate Organic Matter by Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 89, 20, 10889-10897

Legliese, J., M. Müller, F. Piel, T. Otto, and A. Wisthaler (2019), Bulk Organic Aerosol Analysis by Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry: An Improved Methodology for the Determination of Total Organic Mass, O:C and H:C Elemental Ratios, and the Average Molecular Formula, 91, 20, 12619–12624