Aarhus University Seal

Work With Us

We are always looking for talented people interested in our research to join our team!

Feel free to schedule a meeting with Fabian to discuss more. When you reach out to us, please include a short motivation and email it to mahrt@chem.au.dk

Undergraduate (BSc) & Graduate (MSc) Positions (Project Students)

  • Aarhus University students:
    There are positions available for both graduate and undergraduate students every term. If you are interested in working with us, please reach out to Fabian via email. Bachelor projects, chemistry projects (5, 10 and 20 ECTS), and master projects are all welcome. 
  • International students:
    We are happy to host students for research stays and project work. There are different funding instruments available to consider. If you are interested in working with us, please reach out to Fabian via email.

PhD & PostDoc Positions

All funded PhD and PostDoc positions are publicly advertised here and/or here. Please reach out to the people listed in the job listing to inquire about further information.

To inquire about other opportunities to work with us, please reach out to Fabian via email.