Aarhus University Seal

Group Members

Fabian Mahrt


Fabian Mahrt received his BSc in Environmental Sciences and his MSc in Atmospheric and Climate Science from ETH Zürich, where he studied the composition of atmospheric aerosol particles using mass spectrometry tools.
After a research stay at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fabian got his PhD in cloud physics from ETH Zürich in 2019, where he developed techniques to investigate the ice nucleation abilities of soot aerosols. Following a Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia and the Paul Scherrer Institute, where he worked on physical chemistry of organic aerosol particles with a focus on aerosol phase behavior, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Aarhus University in March 2024 as assistant professor.

Fabian has been awarded the Master Thesis Grant from the Karl Zeno Schindler foundation (2015) and the Prix Schläfli in Geosciences (2021) from the Swiss Academy of Sciences.

Ongoing research interests in Fabian´s group include the phase behavior properties of atmospheric organic aerosol particles and the mechanisms of atmospheric ice nucleation and droplet activation in clouds. The goal is to mechanistically understand aerosol and cloud processes and quantify their role in our atmosphere.