Aarhus Universitets segl


June 2024

Congratulations to both Josefine Bøgild Krogsgaard and Mie Petersen on defending their master's thesis! Josefine studied plant root and shoot extracts of Lotus japonicus, investigating biomarkers of mutualistic symbioses. Mie investigated the analysis parameters of furan and furan-related compounds in collaboration with Rockwool. 

April 2023

Ph.d.-studerende Freja Hasager skal besøge Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) i Tromsø for undersøgelse af atmosfærisk mikroplast ved hjælp af pyrolysegaskromatografi koblet til massespektrometri.

Marts 2023

Adskillige medlemmer af AC3- og APC-grupperne deltog i Nordic Society of Aerosol Research (NOSA)-konferencen i Oslo, Norge.

Februar 2023

Velkommen til de nye bachelor- og kandidatstuderende Kasper Friis Kjær, Celine Rebsdorf Frederiksen, Martine Rasmussen, Line Koustrup Ildvad og Josefine Bøgild Krogsgård!

Januar 2023

God hjemrejse til Erasmus-studerende Antigoni Christofili fra Grækenland som vi har haft fornøjelsen at arbejde sammen med de sidste tre måneder.

Januar 2023

Tillykke til ph.d. Ditte Thomsen for forsvaret af afhandlingen med titlen “Secondary organic aerosol from biogenic volatile organic compounds: Studies of Formation and Chemical Composition in Atmospheric Simulation Chambers”.

September 2021

PhD student Ditte Thomsen will visit Prof. T. Hoffmann and his research group at Mainz University, Germany for 3 months to use advanced and innovative mass spectrometry instrumentation for analysis of aerosols.

September 2021

Sofie Falk Vinther will visit Prof. T. Bertram and this research group at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA for 4 months as part of her master’s thesis research on chemistry of dimethyl sulfide.

June 2021

Congratulations to Maria Høilund who finished her master’s thesis project!

February 2021: New publication #2

“Large Discrepancy in the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols from Structurally Similar Monoterpenes”. Ditte Thomsen’s first first-author article! In collaboration with Merete Bilde and her research group.
Link to the publication

February 2021: New publication #1

“Emissions of ultrafine particles from five types of candles during steady burn conditions” published in “Indoor Air” in collaboration with Merete Bilde and her research group as well as colleagues at Lund University and Danish Technological Institute.
Link to the publication

December 2020: New publication

”An RCT of acute health effects in COPD-patients after passive vape exposure from e-cigarettes” in collaboration with researchers at Dept. of Public Health and Merete Bilde and her research group.
Link to the publication

May 2020: New publication

Review about plant secondary compounds in soil and their role in belowground species interactions published in Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Impact Factor 13.7)
Publication link

May 2020: New publication

Hydrothermal liquefaction can depolymerize several different synthetic polymers and could potentially utilize mixed plastic wastes for sustainable production of biocrude. Collaboration with PhD. student J. Souza dos Passos and Assist. Prof. P. Biller, Dept. of Engineering.
Publication link

April 2020: New publication

In collaboration with a group of international researchers in USA and Brazil, we have investigated how air pollution alters formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from naturally emitted isoprene.


January 2020: New mass spectrometer!

A new quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer has been acquired in collaboration with Assist. Prof. L. Vergeynst and Assist. Prof. Z. Wei from Dept. of Engineering. The instrument is mainly funded by a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation. The instrument will be used for analysis of e.g. organic compounds in atmospheric aerosol particles and transformation of micropollutants in water and sewage sludge.

September 2019: New paper published

René Bjerregaard Madsen and Marianne Glasius: How Do Hydrothermal Liquefaction Conditions and Feedstock Type Influence Product Distribution and Elemental Composition?


Summer 2019: New Masters in Chemistry

Three new Masters in Chemistry graduated this year. In her thesis, Mette Nygaard Bennekov (picture) studied emissions from candles in a project funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. Maja Skou Jensen investigated corrosion products in power plants together with COWI, while Cecilie Andreassen did her project in collaboration with Dept. of Food Science and DuPont. Congratulations!

June 2019: Three new collaborative papers on organosulfates in aerosols

We have published three new papers in international collaborations about organosulfates in aerosols from China and the Amazon. The papers have been published in the journals Nature Communications and Environmental Science & Technology.




March 8, 2017: Mette Johansen passes Master defence

Congratulations to Mette Johansen who successfully finished her Master's degree. Her research looked at the effect of electronic cigarettes on indoor air quality and potential health hazards.

Congratulations and good luck in your future endeavours!

March 7, 2017: New collaborative paper by René Madsen and University of California, Berkeley

René's new paper: "Characterizing Semivolatile Organic Compounds of Biocrude from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass" has been published in Energy&Fuels. The work was carried out when René visited Allen H. Goldstein's research group in summer 2016. read the paper here:


March 6, 2017: New paper by guest student on bio-crude upgrading

Bo Iversen's group at the Department of Chemistry - Centre for Materials Crystallography (CMC) - who AC3 collaborates with on hydrothermal liquefaction research hosted the Master student Jinlong Yu from China. His research on catalytic bio-crude upgrading led to the publication "Catalytic hydrotreatment of bio-crude produced from the hydrothermal liquefaction of aspen wood: a catalyst screening and parameter optimization study". read the paper here: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2017/se/c7se00090a

March 8, 2017: Mette Johansen passes Master defence

Congratulations to Mette Johansen who successfully finished her Master's degree. Her research looked at the effect of electronic cigarettes on indoor air quality and potential health hazards.

Congratulations and good luck in your future endeavours!


March 7, 2017: New collaborative paper by René Madsen and University of California, Berkeley

René's new paper: "Characterizing Semivolatile Organic Compounds of Biocrude from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass" has been published in Energy&Fuels. The work was carried out when René visited Allen H. Goldstein's research group in summer 2016. read the paper here:




March 6, 2017: New paper by guest student on bio-crude upgrading

Bo Iversen's group at the Department of Chemistry- Centre for Materials Crystallography (CMC)  who AC3 collaborates with on hydrothermal liquefaction research hosted the Master student Jinlong Yu from China. His research on catalytic bio-crude upgrading led to the publication "Catalytic hydrotreatment of bio-crude produced from the hydrothermal liquefaction of aspen wood: a catalyst screening and parameter optimization study". read the paper here: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2017/se/c7se00090a



December 12, 2016: New journal paper by René B. Madsen

René has published his newest work in Energy&Fuels with the title:

Predicting the Chemical Composition of Aqueous Phase from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Model Compounds and Biomasses



November 1, 2016: René and Patrick present their work at the TCS 2016 conference

René Madsen and Patrick Biller presented their work at the Symposium on Thermal and Catalytic Sciences for Biofuels and Biobased Products in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. 

René's oral presentation had the title: Comparing Quantitative Characterization of Bio-crude and Aqueous Phase from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomasses

Patrick's: Drop-In Potential of Upgraded Fuels Produced at Pilot Scale via Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Different Biomass Feedstocks 

August 26, 2016: Joan celebrates 40 years at the Dep. of Chemistry!!

Joan Kai Christensen celebrated her 40th (!) anniversary working in the Department of Chemistry. We are very lucky to have her working in our group as a laboratory technician. Joan celebrated with a party in the department on Friday afternoon which was very well attended, reflecting her achievements and popularity! Congratulations from all of us!

August 25, 2016: AC3 & APC canoe trip

Members of the AC3 and APC group went on a lovely day out canoeing near Ry. The day started with breakfast at Marianne’s house followed by a walk to the canoes and approximately 10 km of canoeing in lovely sunshine.


August 18, 2016: DHL relay race

Group members from both the AC3 and the APC group took part in Aarhus' annual DHL-Stafet relay race. Approximately 40,000 people take part in this race each year and our teams, Pretty Particle Pirates and Awesome Analytical Astronauts, both completed the the race in great times. 




August 16, 2016: C3BO General Assembly 2016

The group will be hosting the annual general assembly of the C3BO project. C3BO is a large Danish research project investigating the development of HTL processes for fuel production. Development of HTL processes for fuel production. Partners from Aalborg, Steeper Energy, the Paul Scherrer Institute (CH) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, amongst others, will be giving an update of the project's progress.

August 10, 2016: Mads Mørk Jensen has returned from the University of Bologna

Mads performed a research visit at the University of Bologna, Italy with Prof Fabbri.

After his 4 month stay in Italy Mads has now returned to continue his PhD in Aarhus with the AC3 group.

Welcome back!

April 27, 2016: Two AC3 presentations at the RRB Conference 2016, Ghent, Belgium

Both René and Patrick will be presenting their work at this year's 12th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries 30 – 31 May & 1 June 2016 in Ghent, Belgium.

René will be giving a talk on his work on the effects of different pre-treatment techniques of Miscanthus for the preparation of a hydrothermal liquefaction feedstock. René performed a principal component analysis to investigate the pre-treatment effects on both the bio-crude and aqueous phase. 

Patrick will talk about the effects of recycling the water phase during hydrothermal liquefaction. This incorporates results from our continuous HTL facility, micro batch reactors and utilises the analytical techniques developed within AC3. 

 More info and the program of the conference can be found here: https://www.rrbconference.com/

April 10, 2016: Mads Mørk Jensen has departed on a 4 month research visit to the University of Bologna

Mads has left Aarhus for a research visit at the University of Bologna, Italy. He will be joining the research group of Professor Daniele Fabbri until the end of August. Prof Fabbri is an expert on pyrolysis and his research group has developed some advanced characterisation techniques using analytical pyrolysis gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (Py-GC-MS).

Mads will be applying the techniques to some of his lignin derived HTL samples to be able to characterise the heavy molecular weight fraction. You can read more about the methodology here: pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02688

February 23, 2016: Featured Article in Environmental Science & Technology by Marianne Glasius

Congratulations to Marianne Glasius who just published a featured article in Environmental Science & Technology in collaboration with Allen H. Goldstein from the University of California, Berkeley (USA). The title of the review article is Recent discoveries and future challenges in atmospheric organic chemistry. The article can be found online at: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.5b05105

February 23, 2016: Featured Article in Environmental Science & Technology by Marianne Glasius

Congratulations to the group leader, Marianne Glasius, who just published a featured article in Environmental Science & Technology in collaboration with Allen H. Goldstein from the University of California, Berkeley (USA). The title of the review article is Recent discoveries and future challenges in atmospheric organic chemistry. The article can be found online at: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.5b05105

January 28, 2016: Master Thesis Defence - Louise Skov Iversen

Louise Skov Iversen will be presenting her Master research Thesis with the title “Identification and quantification of water-soluble ions and organic trace compounds in aerosols from North Greenland” Friday the 29th January. This work investigates the application of analytical chemistry to investigate the chemical composition of aerosols, which are known to affect how aerosols influence climate directly and indirectly. The exam will be on Friday January 29 at 12.15 in Aud VI (room 1510-213), Department of Chemistry, Langelandsgade 140, Aarhus. 
The program is a presentation by Louise (about 45 min) followed by about 30 min of questions from censor (Jacob Klenø Nøjgaard, Department of Environmental Science Atmospheric chemistry and physics, AU) and the supervisor (Marianne Glasius).

After the exam there will be a reception in Aud VI (room 1510-213) starting approximately at 15.00.

January 26, 2016:René Madsen study visit to California

René Madsen has embarked on his research visit to the University of California at Berkley. He will be working on advanced characterisation techniques of HTL bio-oils via GCxGC coupled to mass spectrometry with different ionization techniques. 

January 25, 2016: New Journal Paper by René Madsen

René Madsen published a paper on optimizing derivatization efficiency for use in analysing aqueous phase from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass. The journal is a research paper in the journal "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry" 


Link to paper:


January 21, 2016: Mads passes PhD qualifying exam

Congratulations to Mads Jensen for passing his PhD qualifying exam on the 21.01.2015. The title of his talk was “Hydrothermal treatment of lignin and development of chemical analyses of its products” and the external examiner was Anders Honoré, (Dupont).

January 11, 2016: René passes PhD qualifying exam

Congratulations to René Madsen for passing his PhD qualifying exam on the 11.01.2016. The title of his talk was “Development of analytical methods for characterization of products from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass” and the external examiner was Christian Schack Pedersen, Dong Energy

    December 15, 2015: New Group member!

    AC3 welcomes Mette Johansen to the group. Mette will be doing her Master Thesis in the AC3 group investigating the characterisation of vapours emitted from electronic cigarettes via PTR- MS

    January 2015: AC3 welcomes 2 new Master students

    AC3 welcomes Rikke Bernberg and Helene Rasmussen to the group. Rikke and Helen will be doing their Master Thesis in the AC3 group on the characterisation of Hydrothermal liquefaction bio-oils. Specifically Rikke will be investigating quantitative GC-MS and Principal Component analysis of HTL oils derived from a variety of different biomass resources. Helene will be working on the effect of recovery solvents and solvent evaporation  on bio-oil quality.

    Louise Skov Iversen besøger Villum Research Station i nordgrønland

    20/5-2015: Kandidatstuderende Louise Skov Iversen har netop været næsten tre uger på Villum Research Station i nordgrønland, hvor hun indsamlede aerosolprøver. Prøverne skal nu analyseres for molekylære sporstoffer som fortæller om aerosolernes dannelse og kilder. Desuden skal deres fysisk-kemiske egenskaber af betydning for skydannelse undersøges. Projektet bidrager til den videnskabelige forståelse af kilder og klimaeffekter af aerosoler i Arktis og er et samarbejde mellem forskningsgrupperne ledet af Merete Bilde (Inst. for Kemi), Andreas Massling (Inst. for Miljøvidenskab) og Marianne Glasius (Inst. for Kemi og iNANO).