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1. januar tiltræder professor Thomas Vosegaard som ny leder af Institut for Kemi. Han kommer med et stort kendskab til både forskningen og uddannelsen…
Using front-line home-built dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) instrument, researchers from iNANO and Department of Chemistry have for the first time…
Congratulations to Professor Troels Skrydstrup from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Chinese Government’s Friendship Award.
Med godt 60 millioner kroner fra Danmarks Grundforskningsfond åbner professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk et nyt grundforskningscenter, som skal finde nye…
Congratulations to Professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Rozenberg Tulip Award.
Troels Skrydstrup and his team at Aarhus University have been awarded Plastprisen for the second consecutive year. This prestigious award recognizes…
Effective Quantum Dynamical Coupled Cluster Developments & Benchmarks of Quantum Chemical Methods for Molecular Clusters
Return of the Latent Space Cowboys: Rethinking the use of VAEs in Bayesian Optimisation over Structured Spaces
Chemistry of Disordered Crystals
Carbonation of Cement-Based Materials: Insights about the Amorphous Alumina-Silica Gel
Application of CO2 mineralization in cementitious materials for valorization and recycling enhancement in cement and concrete
A [4+4] PhD: Advancing Cycloadditions to Restricted Areas by Asymmetric Aminocatalysis
Molecular modelling of complex and crowded biomembranes
Under the Computational Microscope: Insights into the Insulin Receptor's Conformational Landscape
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