Aarhus Universitets segl

Meet Bo Brummerstedt Iversen's Group

A diverse and thriving community of undergraduate students, PhD students and post doctoral researchers from across the world delivering world class research. We aim to deliver world class research in crystallography and materials chemistry research through meticulous attention to detail, determination to expand our knowledge and a passion to explore the unknown.
Find more information about Bo and his research career in this link to his publications and CV.

Mission Statement

Our research is underpinned by the strong collaborative nature of our work ethics, where cross-disciplinary studies allow for a thorough understanding of the materials under examination. Our students are supported throughout their time in the group by established study groups, which focus on specific areas of interest and take place on a weekly basis. In addition, we get together once a week with other groups in the inorganic division to share our work, and have regular group meetings to share our experiences, creating a robust support network. This approach ensures that we invest in the core professional development of the individual, uphold a highly skilled and motivated group as a whole, and push boundaries to work at the frontiers of modern materials research.

The overarching goal of our research is to develop sustainable materials for energy and climate. Achieving stable, adequate and sustainable energy supplies is essential for humanity. At the core of every sustainable energy technology there is a material that is responsible for the basic mechanism in converting or storing energy. However, many so-called green energy technologies rely on a plentiful supply of critical raw materials, many toxic to the environment, extracted with great difficulties from the Earth’s subsurface, often requiring extensive processing to purify, and, perhaps most crucially, becoming increasingly scarce and vulnerable to supply disruptions. In other words, many of the current materials making sustainable energy are not themselves sustainable. It is our ambition to contribute to true sustainability by performing world class research merging materials fabrication, application and recovery.

Master Students

Nikolaos Antonios Iakynthos Nemet

Master studerende




From professorships to production, alumni from the Brummerstedt Iversen group have embarked on a range of exciting and diverse careers upon graduation at all educational levels. Over the past 20 years,  Brummerstedt Iversen's impressive track-record includes supervision of over 50 successful PhD graduates, and has enabled over 160 bachelor and masters degrees in total to be completed, many of whom now hold positions at major Danish institutes and industry, e.g., University of Copenhagen, MAX IV (Lund), Novo Nordisk, Velux, Danish Technological Institute, Danfoss, Haldor Topsoe, among others.